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Adaugat in data de 15-11-2011

Buy Back la BCR Leasing - masina veche este avansul pentru o masina noua

Buy Back la BCR Leasing - masina veche este avansul pentru o masina noua BCR Leasing lanseaza produsul BUY BUCK – masina veche este avansul pentru o masina noua.

Produsul ofera companiilor si persoanelor fizice autorizate oportunitatea sa renunte la vehiculele vechi (autoturisme sau autovehicule comerciale cu masa max. autorizata mai mica de 3,5 t) in favoarea unora noi, finantate de BCR Leasing.

Aceste bunuri pot constitui avans integral sau partial pentru un nou contract de leasing avand ca obiect un autovehicul nou sau second hand.

„Este unul dintre cele mai confortabile mijloace de a schimba masina. In primul rand, BCR Leasing preia toate sarcinile legate de evaluare si formalitati. Apoi, clientul scapa de disconfortul pe care il presupune procesul de vindere a unei masini: eforturile de a gasi cumparatori, discutii si negocieri cu acestia, saptamani sau chiar luni de asteptare pana la vinderea masinii“, a declarat Bogdan Ionut Speteanu, Director General BCR Leasing.

BCR Leasing va suporta integral costurile de evaluare a autoturismului sau autovehiculului. Unul dintre avantajele produsului BUY BACK este ca BCR Leasing accepta ca avans orice marca de autoturism si finanteaza, in schimb, orice marca.

„Un beneficiu evident al clientului nostru este ca ii dam posibilitatea sa foloseasca vechea masina pana la semnarea actelor de finantare pentru noul vehicul“, a adaugat Bogdan Ionut Speteanu, Director General BCR Leasing.

Persoanele interesate pot solicita informatii suplimentare despre caracteristicile produsului Buy-Back, la numarul de telefon: 0372 178 800.

BCR LEASING IFN este prezenta pe piata romanesca de leasing din anul 2001, ca subsidiara a Bancii Comerciale Romane, parte a puternicului grup financiar central-european ERSTE Group.

Cu o retea de unitati bine dezvoltata, compania ofera in prezent o gama completa de servicii de leasing financiar. 

BCR LEASING IFN este o companie orientata spre client, preocupata permanent de inovatie, calitate si de adaptarea produselor si serviciilor sale la cerintele pietei..

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WNFpCk I appreciate you sharing this blog post.Really thank you! Great.
It's really very slmpie.There are 2 categories of workouts and you only need to focus on one of those for weight loss. They are:1. Resistance training weight lifting, sit-ups, push-ups, etc.2. Cardiovascular Training – brisk walking/running, swimming, biking, jumping jacks, jumping rope, dancing to the oldies, etc.You need only to focus on #2 for weight loss. #1 is good for muscle tone but does little for weight loss.Cardiovascular exercises are slmpie and you don't need any fancy equipment. For successful weight loss, all you need to do is any body movements that get your heart rate higher than normal. That's what cardiovascular workouts are all about. They simply get your heart rate up and burn off fat.You will need to keep your heart rate up for longer than 20 minutes per session in order to achieve a successful burn. The body takes that much time to warm up and begin the burn. Any huffy-puffy activity will work such as walking, running, going up and down stairs, vigorous dancing, jumping rope, just anything that makes you huff and puff. That's the key huff and puff for over 20 minutes a session. This is how your body burns off fat.CONSULT YOUR DOCTOR FOR ADVICE ON THE SAFEST WORKOUT FOR YOU.Don't get discouraged!Contrary to popular TV, there is no such thing as targeting an area of your body for weight loss. The reality is that you will see the fattest part of your body lose weight last! You will notice it first in your face. The thickest fat is the last to go so don't lose heart if you don't see your “targeted area” going anywhere at first.Simply create a huffy-puffy workout for yourself that lasts over 20 minutes per session and stick to a daily routine for best results.Another tip is don't rely on what the scales say everyday. That will discourage you. The better way to monitor your progress is to observe your clothes getting looser. The scales can be misleading because as you lose weight, typically you are also building muscle mass. This dual change may look like you are not losing fat when you actually are.Checking your heart rate. Take your fingers of your left hand and place them about an inch to the right of the center of your right hand wrist as it faces palm up. This should be at your right-hand wrist below your thumb. You should feel a pulse there. Now count the number of beats in a 6 second period. Multiply that number by 10 and that's your heart rate. A reasonably safe and effective heart rate during an exercise burn is about 120 for most people 30–50 years old.A bland diet will speed the weight loss up for sure. But if you're like me, starting a daily exercise program plus starting a bland diet is just too emotionally stressful (wink, wink). So, I say, for those of us who want some type of reward for working out everyday, continue enjoying your favorite foods just cut your portions down. Train yourself to learn when you are satisfied as you eat a meal and stop eating at that point rather than eating until you feel full. You'll be surprised at how early in the meal you are satisfied. So, just stop eating at that point. Make a habit of it.I am a 52 year old male and I am using a programmed treadmill which uses a combination walk/ 5 mph. run workout for 30 minutes a day. I am losing 2-3 pounds a week just doing that and cutting my favorite food portions back the way I mentioned before. My peak heart rate during this routine is 140. (Just telling you this in hopes that it will give you some idea of what 30 minutes a day will do for you so you can adjust your workout to suit your targeted weight loss time frame.)Good luck! I hope this helps.
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