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Adaugat in data de 25-03-2010 |
Radisson Blu - partener si sustinator al initiativei Ora Pamantului
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Hotelul Radisson Blu din Bucureşti este unul dintre partenerii şi susţinătorii proiectului Ora Pământului 2010, participând pentru al doilea an consecutiv la această iniţiativă globală care îşi propune să atragă atenţia asupra efectelor încălzirii globale.
Sâmbătă, 27 martie, la ora 20.30, Radisson Blu va stinge, pentru o oră, cea mai mare parte a luminilor din clădire, fără a afecta însă siguranţa oaspeţilor şi angajaţilor. Radisson Blu îşi va informa oaspeţii despre această acţiune şi îi va încuraja să se alăture iniţiativei, stingând luminile în camere. Pe durata evenimentului, iluminatul în hotel va fi asigurat cu lumânări, iar în jurul piscinei din curtea interioară vor fi aprinse torţe. Oaspeţii sunt invitaţi să guste cocktail-ul special “Ora Pământului” la Bla Lounge Bar amplasat în holul hotelului.
Angajaţii hotelului vor fi informaţi cu privire la proiectul Ora Pământului şi vor fi încurajaţi să participe la rândul lor, inclusiv individual, în cazul celor care se vor afla în afara orelor de program.
Iniţiativa Ora Pământului este promovată de hotelul Radisson Blu pe parcursul întregii săptămâni prin intermediul reţelei TV interne din spaţiile publice din hotel şi pe monitorul uriaş amplasat la intrarea în cazino.
Acţiunea iniţiată de Radisson Blu cu ocazia Orei Pământului se integrează în programul de responsabilitate socială al companiei. Radisson Blu face parte din grupul Rezidor, care a implementat primele politici de protecţie a mediului în urmă cu mai bine de 20 de ani. Începând cu anul 1996, Radisson Blu are propriul program de protecţie a mediului, care include măsuri de reducere a consumului de energie şi apă.
În anul 2008, grupul Rezidor a fost printre primele grupuri hoteliere care a aderat la United Nations Global Compact, o iniţiativă ONU care reuneşte companii, organizaţii şi societatea civilă în vederea sprijinirii unor principii universale sociale şi de mediu. În 2009, Rezidor a semnat convenţia “Caring for Climate”, o iniţiativă a guvernelor, mediului de afaceri şi a cetăţenilor, împotriva schimbărilor climatice..
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14 of 16 people found the foilowlng assess helpful: A refreshing updated version of the family favorite, January 28, 2006Bya0 a0a0 a0a0 a0a0 This assess is from: Bambi is one of our family's favorite movies and we all loved this new version with all of its extras. It teaches the children about the importance of family and how the father can take over if the mother is not available. There are songs by some of our favorite singers, which is an extra. The DVD has many pluses in addition to the gorgeous movie, counting games, cute mobiles, and more. I'm sure we will delight in surveillance it many times in the future. I know it is to be available for only a limited time. Worth count to your DVD store.Help other customers find the most helpful reviewsa0 Was this assess helpful to you?a0 | a0 Log in to Reply Daniel Jolley "darkgenius" says: September 6, 2011 at 2:09 AM 17 of 20 people found the foilowlng assess helpful: An brilliant film truly in the tradition of the original, January 31, 2006Bya0 (Shelby, North Carolina USA) a0a0 a0a0 a0a0 This assess is from: While some will undoubtedly find it hard to embrace a follow-up to Disney's 1942 classic Bambi, I found Bambi II to be reasonably enchanting, amusing, and very sad. I must declare I bring a somewhat unusual perspective to this film, as I am one of the few living souls who hasn't seen the original. For whatever reason, I by no means saw Bambi as a child, and now that I'm an adult I've resisted surveillance it because I have heard how sad it is when Bambi's mother dies. I can watch films with humans doing unspeakable things to one another and by no means bat an eye, but it just tears me up to see animals (whether real or cartoon) sad and hurting. I can't get through Benji without sobbing, so I've just by no means felt up to the task of experiencing Bambi. A developed man shouldn't declare this, but just in case you're wondering Bambi II did end up bringing a few tears to my eyes, as well. That's okay, even if. Movies like this aren't just for children; in many ways, their thought plays more powerfully to adult listeners, reminding us of the vital things in life (especially in stipulations of the parent-child relationship). This isn't a sequel to Bambi, I should note, as the report really fits in to the middle of the original film. Bambi has just lost his mother, and now it is up to his father, the Fantastic Prince, to take care of him. The Fantastic Prince does not take to parenting naturally or easily; he feels that a doe should bring to somebody's attention the child, and he questions Supporter Owl to help him find a new mother for Bambi once spring arrives. Bambi desperately wants to please his father, but he is just too young to meet his father's high standards. The Fantastic Prince wants Bambi to behave as a prince, not as a young deer. Opportunely, Bambi does have friends to play with, counting Thumper and Flower. Thumper even tries to teach him how to be courageous. All Bambi really wants, even if, is for his father to be proud of him and to really show him some affection. Gradually, the Fantastic Prince starts to come down off his pedestal to be an actual, caring father to the youngster. The last half of the film is really more about the Fantastic Prince than it is about Bambi, if you question me; it's basically the report of a father's like. The climactic scenes really work perfectly, taking you from tear-inducing sadness to exhilaration and suspense, eventually bringing every emotional aspect of the total report to a deeply nourishing conclusion. The two young kids supplying the voices for Bambi and Thumper are really just superb, and Patrick Stewart brings incredible incidence to the film as the voice of the Fantastic Prince. I also reckon the vigor is wonderful. The vigor crew may have used some digital tools, but they clearly tried to follow in the footsteps of Bambi's illustrators in stipulations of their approach to the total project, taking pains to remain faithful to the look and feel of the original. Since I haven't seen the first Bambi, I can't compare the two films at all but I do reckon the artwork of Bambi II really hits the mark. Along with the movie, you also get a excellent assortment of extra features on the DVD, counting an fascinating look at the making of Bambi II this is where you really get a sense of the reverence Bambi II's makers have for the original film. You also have the option of surveillance the movie with various Bambi trivia and fun facts popping up at relevant times. A Disney animator shows promising young artists how to draw Thumper, and there's also a small find Thumper game for one or two players. Naturally, you also get previews of some coming Disney attractions. All in all, Bambi II is an impressive package. The film itself is what truly matters, of course, and I reckon it is really excellent. Surely, it's aimed at a young consultation, but I can't agree with anyone saying there is nothing for adults in this film. Bambi II's portrayal of the Fantastic Prince's like for Bambi and his struggle to find the best way to bring to somebody's attention the lad by the book surely upset upon issues that most parents will find close to their heart. Bambi II surely managed to upset my heart and on more than one occasion.Help other customers find the most helpful reviewsa0 Was this assess helpful to you?a0 | a0 Log in to Reply
in your aclrite, especially at the middle of your aclrite. Thank you, this info is very useful as always. Keep up the good work! You've got +1 more reader of your great blog:) Isabella S.
Great post with lots of imopratnt stuff.
Now I feel sutipd. That's cleared it up for me
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