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Adaugat in data de 08-07-2013 |
rca-ieftin.ro - reduceri de pana la 18% la politele RCA
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Pintilie Broker de Asigurare, cel mai important jucător de pe piaţa de asigurări online din România, oferă reduceri de până la 18% tuturor clienţilor care îşi încheie o poliţă RCA pe www.rca-ieftin.ro.
De reducere vor beneficia toţi clienţii care îşi încheie un RCA prin RCA Ieftin, indiferent de valabilitatea poliţei.
Noua campanie de reduceri vine în întâmpinarea şoferilor care îşi doresc un RCA ieftin şi rapid. Astfel, fiecare şofer poate afla reducerea de care beneficiază după ce completează datele maşinii în comparatorul de preţuri de pe www.rca-ieftin.ro. În cel mult două minute, vizitatorul va primi cele mai bune oferte de tarif ale asiguratorilor, cu reducerea suplimentară.
“De mai bine de 6 ani, clienţii RCA Ieftin ştiu că la noi găsesc cele mai scăzute preţuri la RCA. Acum le oferim reduceri de până la 18% şi aceleaşi servicii de calitate, pe măsura aşteptărilor acestora. Aceştia pot face importante economii: de exemplu, la o poliţă de 1000 de lei, vor economisi 180 de lei”, a declarat Valentin Radu, director de marketing la Pintilie Broker de Asigurare.
Poliţele RCA Ieftin beneficiază de livrare gratuită în toată ţara, prin curier. .
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Doresc sa fac asigurare auto rca si nu ma descurc.Varog sa ma ajutati, eventual tf 0770415293. Multumesc.
I've tried a number of cprutae devices over the years. The Happauge HD PVR while great when I could get it to work had a frequent tendency to crap out on me. Later on, I decided to get an AverTV USB HD DVR. It worked great for me until I bought a new Windows 7 PC a few months ago. About a week into being linked up with my new PC, I started getting Capture Failed dialogs whenever I'd try to record, and haven't been able to get it working since. AverMedia support even sent me a replacement, but we were still never able to get the issue resolved.Ultimately, I ended up purchasing the Game Capture HD. After a couple years of dealing with USB devices, I was a bit skeptical about using a standalone device. I didn't want to have to worry about buying additional storage. Plus I thought it'd be inconvenient to have to swap a flash drive between the device and my PC every time I wanted to start editing. Once I got into the swing of things though, neither were a problem. I might even say I prefer it now. Keeps my PC's folders tidy, and I don't have to worry about having the device attached to my computer's hip at all times.The good about this device:1. The Remote: AWESOME idea. I can't tell you what a relief it was to be able to just press a button and instantly get right down to business (as opposed to having to fire up a computer and then a cprutae program). There's also a handy screencap button and a nice settings/playback menu accessible through the remote.2. Comes with a component cable that works for 360, PS3 and Wii. I didn't need it, but was impressed to see that they went the extra mile by including it. Many companies don't.3. Has an auto on/off mechanism tied to whether or not it detects an input signal. So if you turn on your PS3, for example, the device will turn on along with it. If you turn off your PS3, the device will shut itself down 10 minutes later. Pretty cool feature, considering many other devices don't even have a manual on/off button, let alone something like this.The bad about this device:1. Video Quality: It noticeably degrades the video feed, both on your TV and in your recordings. I'm a longtime PS3 user and like I said earlier, I've been around the block a few times with cprutae devices: so I know what my console's picture is capable of, and I also know what a decent recording looks like. This device drops the ball on both. I'm guessing the pass-through components are just really cheap (the device as a whole feels cheap, actually). The picture quality it reduces you to is something like a poor medium between 480p and 720p. It takes away a great deal of crispness from your console's raw feed, and produces slightly fuzzy recordings (though you probably wouldn't notice the latter much, once you upload to YouTube). I've never seen anything like this in any other cprutae card I've used, so I was pretty disappointed. I ended up returning my unit solely because of this issue. It's a shame too, because this device really has potential. It may not be a deal-breaker for some, but for me, I've spent way too much money on my TV and on Blu-rays to have this thing hooked up to my TV, giving me some crappy 600p quality on my PS3. I'm thinking about ordering a replacement in hopes that this is just a fluke. If so, I'll update my review.2. Recording Options: This device gives you options of 12mbps, 10mbps and 8mbps. I would've liked to had seen a wider range. Using other devices, I've been able to skate by at 4mbps (which helps me preserve storage space). Even 1mbps doesn't look too bad on my YouTube channel. With that said, I think the choices provided are overkill. Even its lowest setting eats up twice as much space as I'd prefer. I have to wonder if they only allow these higher bitrates to help keep the aforementioned poor picture quality from getting exposed even further.3. Lag: There seems to be occasional lag with the audio and/or video when using this device. Nothing to be overly annoyed about, but it's reminiscent of playing an online game (even when you're not).4. Recording Format: I have no idea why AverMedia continually insists on using these godawful formats in their devices. I put up with it on the USB HD DVR (and had to convert each file just to begin my editing process). I figured since the file container is the fairly-common .avi this time around, maybe I'd get some relief; but I suppose the way it's encoded still makes their files incompatible with my editing programs (Sony Vegas, for one). To the company's credit though, I can import the audio of my recordings into Vegas; just not the video. I guess that's a step up from the files that their other devices produce, which simply make the program freeze and crash. Who knows: maybe a few years from now, I'll get something that works completely. Seriously though, would it really be that much trouble to at least give
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