Cosmote Romania and Romtelecom come in the aid of the communities who are in the areas affected by heavy snow and severe weather conditions by offering material support to the “Romania needs you” campaign. Thousands of people from Buzau and Vrancea counties benefit from the help offered by the two companies, represented by food and other goods delivered even with helicopters in the most isolated areas, to bring them comfort and help them get pass these hard times.
Romtelecom and COSMOTE Romania offered a financial support of 20,000 euro to “Romania needs you”, a campaign meant to come in the aid of those who found themselves trapped under heavy snow or in the impossibility to take in water, food and other vital goods. The first four helicopters filled with food and other material aids took off from Strejnic on Thursday towards villages in Buzau and Vrancea. Other localities will receive support in the next days, the two companies organizing an aid action also in Ialomita county.
Moreover, in this difficult times, COSMOTE Romania employees donated clothes, shoes and food for homeless shelters. Also, Romtelecom has donated 5000 euro to the Red Cross, in order to support their actions to come in the help of those in need, affected by the extreme weather conditions.
Furthermore, in order to support its customers in this difficult period, COSMOTE Romania extended with seven days the payment term to the subscribers in the areas affected by the snows and severe weather conditions. The seven days extension adds to the 17 days payment term (which is already the most extended payment term in the mobile telecom market).
Thus, for invoices with due date in February, the payment term will be 24 days.
Romtelecom has also taken measures to prevent the interruption of services and to restore the services (the past week there were hundreds of services restored) in the cases of not paying the bills due to weather conditions. In case the service are not functioning due to the weather, the customers will receive a decrease of the subscription value according to the period when the services didn’t function.
COSMOTE Romania has undertaken supplementary efforts in order to ensure the continuity of the network operation in this hard conditions, in order for people to have access to communication services around-the-clock, in the areas where heavy snow and extreme weather conditions caused the interruption of the power supply and blocked access to the sites. COSMOTE Romania has undertaken over 500 interventions in the last three weeks.
Romtelecom teams keep on making all the efforts to intervene even in difficult conditions and during the night in the benefit of the customers, in the areas where various issues affected the services. The majority of the services are functional, with the voice network making it possible even for isolated localities to communicate with the rest of the country.
Romtelecom had, at September 30, 2011, approximately 4.9 million TV, broadband and fixed voice subscriptions in its portfolio, as well as complex ICT business solutions. The company migrated in the past years from a traditional fixed voice provider to a competitive telecom provider, offering the full range of communication and entertainment services a household needs.
COSMOTE Romania had 6.5 million customers at September 30, 2011. Launched in 2005, COSMOTE Romania achieved the fastest network development in Europe, according to the Citigroup report in June 2007. In less than 5 years, COSMOTE Romania surpassed its competitors in terms of national network coverage. Today, COSMOTE Romania offers seamless communication to more than 99% of the population and 90% of the territory. COSMOTE Romania is a subsidiary of COSMOTE Group, the operator with the strongest presence in SE Europe with approximately 20.4 million customers in Greece, Albania, Bulgaria and Romania.