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Adaugat in data de 05-02-2013

Cosmote Romania celebrates Safer Internet Day 2013 for the fifth year in a row

Cosmote Romania celebrates Safer Internet Day 2013 for the fifth year in a row

In Romania, 70% of children use the Internet on a daily basis, according to a survey done by EU Kids Online, amongst youngsters aged between 11 and 16, from 25 European countries. The results have shown that intensive usage of Internet leads to lack of sleep, malnutrition and neglecting education, as a direct cause of not being able to reduce the time spent online each day. Researchers are entitled to believe that this amount of time could be used for developing digital competences and a general positive usage of the internet, as the children grow up.

COSMOTE Romania continues to involve in promoting a safer Internet for children and teenagers by partnering with the EU representative INHOPE Node Romania. Thus, for this year’s Safer Internet Day, the company sponsored the event held in Romania as well, by awarding 6 teams of participants and their teachers, for the projects registered in the competition that started on October 15th, 2012.

The award ceremony took place today and COSMOTE Romania offered as prizes MP3 players, navigation systems, photo cameras and prepaid packages Nokia and Samsung. Also, a comprehensive communication campaign will be conducted through a dedicated Facebook Fan Page, a page with information about a safer internet on, the distribution of Safer Internet flyers in COSMOTE and Germanos stores, schools and corporate events, aimed at teaching children and parents how to use internet and mobile telephony in a safe way. In addition, the company will carry a print campaign.

“The tech savvy kids of nowadays are the mature users of tomorrow. As an active player in a data-services driven landscape, COSMOTE Romania assumed the responsibility for encouraging healthy behaviours when it comes about children surfing the online environment. Our strong commitment towards this area is proved through the long-term partnership we have with, which aims to put together our efforts in order to emphasize the high necessity for education and prevention on this regard”, Ruxandra Vodă, Corporate Affairs Senior Manager, COSMOTE Romania, said.

Safer Internet Day promotes the safe and responsible Internet and mobile phones usage, especially by children and teenagers, as well as the awareness and education of the target regarding the dangers of online navigation without surveillance.

COSMOTE Romania had 6.4 million customers at September 30th, 2012. Launched in 2005, COSMOTE Romania achieved the fastest network development in Europe, according to the Citigroup report in June 2007. In less than 5 years, COSMOTE Romania surpassed its competitors in terms of national network coverage. Today, COSMOTE Romania offers seamless communication to more than 99% of the population and 90% of the territory.

COSMOTE Romania is a subsidiary of COSMOTE Group, the operator with the strongest presence in SE Europe with approximately 20.4 million customers in Greece, Albania, Bulgaria and Romania.


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