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Adaugat in data de 31-01-2012

Cushman & Wakefield: facts and figures regarding the evolution of the industrial real estate market

Cushman & Wakefield: facts and figures regarding the evolution of the industrial real estate market The global real estate services firm, Cushman & Wakefield makes public facts and figures regarding the evolution of the industrial real estate market in the past year as well as projection on 2012. Also, Cushman & Wakefield announces a 15% market share in 2011 out of the total Romanian industrial market segment. This percentage represents 25.000 sqm industrial spaces leased by Cushman & Wakefield out of 150.000 sqm which represent approximately the total industrial space, transactions made in 2011.

According to Cushman & Wakefield, the Romanian industrial real estate market grew with approximately 100% in 2011, as total surface leased. “At the end of Q4 2011 we could had spoken of a transacted area of approximately 150.000 sqm compared to 75.000 sqm at the end on Q4 2010”, explained Gabriel Sfetcu, Head of Industrial Department at Cushman & Wakefield Romania. “As well”, continues the Head of Industrial Department, “in 2011 we had more requests from the production industry, in the same time we received requests from new-entry logistics’ operators, resultant from mergers or separation of other operators already existing on the market.”

Referring to the rental price per square meter in the industrial field, the Cushman & Wakefield Romania expert concludes that it maintained an average of 3.
8 Euro (without VAT) / sqm in surfaces between 4.000 – 5.000 sqm and contracts for a period of at least 5 years.

Regarding the evolution of 2012 and attracting new investments, Gabriel Sfetcu believes that Romania has an advantage over the other countries in the region due to existing skilled labor force, the possibility of accessing grants from the European Union but also because of the

existing quality industrial spaces. To these adds, says the Cushman & Wakefield expert, the flexibility of the owners who are willing to offer various incentives to potential investors, from offering some free of charge services / bonuses to sustaining some of the new investments costs – in the case of accommodating a tenant from the production segment.

Cushman & Wakefield is the world's largest privately-held commercial real estate services firm. Founded in 1917, it has 230 offices in 60 countries and more than 13,000 employees. The firm represents a diverse customer base ranging from small businesses to Fortune 500 companies. It offers a complete range of services within five primary disciplines: Transaction Services, including tenant and landlord representation in office, industrial and retail real estate; Capital Markets, including property sales, investment management, investment banking, debt and equity financing; Corporate Occupier & Investor Services, including integrated real estate strategies for large corporations and property owners; Consulting Services, including business and real estate consulting; and Valuation & Advisory, including appraisals, highest and best use analysis, dispute resolution and litigation support, along with specialized expertise in various industry sectors..

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Umm… Space reconfiguration every 4-7 years for more than half of tnneats? I would like to these actual “industry averages” and “20% relocation factor” or the “more than half”… These stats clearly seem to be contrived as there are no sources referenced. The spin clearly seems to favor the landlord contextually within this piece… If you add up all of the money that a tenant is lining the landlord’s pockets with over the life of a practice, landlordship clearly has its advantages according to the way this commentary reads…Upon your premise of a “good market” it appears that you are implying that because of one’s investment into their practice they will not be able to sell when they should. Unfortunately the following is misguided “…the potential buyer’s market for most improved medical condos is extremely limited.” ….So theoretically even when one should sell because of market demand, one won’t be able to sell because of their investment in their practice, albeit one wouldn’t have a buyer given the specialty nature of the improvements. Since you are speaking about “most medical tenant improvements” when referring to “improvements” this would imply general medical office improvements. So would not general office improvements be most likely entrant for demand as that product type caters to the largest audience (including investment audience which you mostly represent). Using your approximation of 5-7% of practice expense for rent, then a market flux clearly should not dictate a sale, period. The fact that you are implying such is just another evidence of your aligned interests.You may want to change the name of your article to “Owning Vs. Leasing: What’s right for Mr. Molloy’s pocket.”
smashing top seo
xFj6fa I value the article.Thanks Again. Fantastic.
Se zice ca speranta moare ulimta...dar cand moare si ea ce se intampla? Cam aici am ajuns si noi...Pozele sunt foarte expresive :)
incultzilor e cel mai sfeciminativ monument romanesc! nu intzelegetzi mesajul clar care reiese din aceasta (pseudo)piesa arhitecturala. Aham-aham, mai draga: In Piatza revolutziei romanii au luat Tzapa la oua !sau se poate interpreta ca fiind un spermatozoid aerodinamic, made in ro. Nu, pe bune, monumentul e chiar mishto; din categoria hai sa construim fara logica . E dadaism curat! Romania e singura tzara europeana in care mai traieshte acest curent, hai sa nu devenim stas :P
Simona, Aladdin, eaicplxtia e mai simpla decat credeti. Pozele nu sunt facute de mine, sunt parte dintr-o colectie (aveti sursa la sfarsiul lor), iar colectia se numeste This is Romania . Cand am citat pe cineva publicandu-i pozele, mi s-a parut de bun simt sa folosesc titlul pus de el. Nimic mai mult. :)
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