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Adaugat in data de 18-11-2011

Germanos celebrates 15 years of achievements on the Romanian market

Germanos celebrates 15 years of achievements on the Romanian market Along its 15 years of operations, Germanos Telecom Romania has become a landmark of technology breakthrough, sturdiness and excellence in serving the customers and also a role model in attractive offers and innovative services. The largest telecom retail chain in the country celebrates 15 years since the opening of the first store in downtown Bucharest.

With tens of millions of visitors in these years and more millions of products sold, Germanos Telecom Romania has become one of the key players on the telecom market, with deep roots in consumers’ minds and outstanding services which have inspired many others.

At the first opening, back in 1996, the batteries store located in downtown Bucharest was at the time a landmark in the retail of such commodities. Ever since, Germanos was a reference for the modern retail and, ultimately, it decisively contributed to the success of COSMOTE Romania by bringing increasing sales and supported the growth of the most dynamic operator on the market.

“In October 1996, Germanos put its step in Romania and started what was to become the most remarkable and perseverant odyssey in the Romanian telecom retail, with the support of the Romanian consumers. It’s been 15 intense years with the greatest team in telecom retail. None of this would have been possible without the dedication and professionalism of our people, to whom I am grateful. We have proven to be the best retail organization in Romanian telecom and intend to preserve this achievement”, said Aris Karousos, Retail Chain Division Director, Germanos and COSMOTE Romania.

An example of Germanos’ dynamics is the fact that, over the last 4 years, more than 17 million consumers have entered the stores.

In time, Germanos became a complete telecom retailer, selling not only mobile phones, but also accessories and other electronics such as GPS devices, photo cameras, storage and, lately, land internet and telephony, land and satellite TV programmes reception, complementary to the main domain.

Along the years, Germanos has been a champion of new services, configuring the modern telecom retail and consumers’ expectations with innovations such as G-Service, G-Agenda, G-Ticket, G-Life Guarantee and many others.

Germanos is showing appreciation for the 15 years of excellent relation with the Romanian consumers by offering new incentives and discounts available in all the stores countrywide, where all people interested in technology are awaited with a smile and knowledge of latest breakthroughs.

Currently, Germanos has over 1,000 employees and the staff’s average age is 27.5 years.

Germanos Romania counted more than 220 stores nationwide at the end of September 2011 and is part of COSMOTE Romania distribution channel, which includes approximately 600 points of sale across the country.

Besides telecommunication, Germanos also offers a wide array of services: G-Life Guarantee Service – warranty for all the duration of usage of the phone bought from Germanos, G-agenda plus – the transfer of multimedia content from one mobile phone to another, G-technical service, G-invoice payment – for COSMOTE, Zapp, Romtelecom and NextGen services, G-crediting – the possibility to purchase products in instalments or G-ticket – tickets for music and cultural events, G-preorder - a web based service which offers in premiere the last novelties in telecom, and which gadget lovers can pre-order before these products are being introduced into the market.

In Romania, GERMANOS is present since 1996, becoming the main retail and distribution network for mobile telephony products and services..

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Got mine from apple Sunday but it was faulty, raettld like hell like the battery was loose inside. didn't wanna wait again for them to send a replacement so I've returned it outright and ordered one of these. At least if something goes wrong I can take outback directly. should be here tmrw(Marko has made 8 comments)
What a great resuocre this text is.
Alkaazaam-information found, problem solved, thanks!
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