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Adaugat in data de 18-10-2012

Millennium Bank clients can access Internet Banking using Chrome, Safari and Opera

Millennium Bank clients can access Internet Banking using Chrome, Safari and Opera Millennium Bank clients can now access the Internet Banking service using Google Chrome, Safari and Opera internet browsers. With the launch of the new design for the bank’s website, which is friendlier and allows easier navigation, clients also benefit from these improvements of the Internet Banking accessibility. Up to now, the service could be accessed using Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox.

“The usage of Google Chrome has been constantly increasing, according to statistics, and it recently became the most used internet browser in Romania. Millennium Bank is always trying to adapt quickly to our clients’ changing needs and we are glad to be able to announce this improvement of the Internet Banking service”, Florentina Mihai, Head of Alternative Channels with Millennium Bank, stated.

Approximately 70% of Millennium Bank’s individual clients have also contracted the Internet Banking service. Almost 80% of the transactions performed by the bank’s individual clients in September 2012 were made through the Internet Banking service, and their volume amounted to RON 53 million.

Millennium Bank’s Internet Banking service allows customers to administrate all the products they have contracted from the bank.
It provides access to all the accounts, deposits, cards or loans and the clients can perform any operation – pay bills and loans instalments, create deposits, predefine beneficiaries’ payment details for future transfers, modify the card PIN and the ATM and POS transaction limits etc. The transactions are authorized by SMS, providing a high level of security. After having filled in the transfer details within the Internet Banking application, clients receive an SMS on their mobile phone confirming the amount to be transferred and containing a seven digit arbitrarily generated authorization code. The service is free of charge and the fees for the transactions operated through Internet Banking are 50% lower than those performed in the branches.

The bank also offers SmartPhone Banking service, available for free for Apple mobile devices and Android operating system devices. Launched a year ago, “MillenniumRO” application can be downloaded from AppStore or Android Market and allows clients to view current and savings accounts, term deposits, loans and credit cards and perform transactions directly on their mobile phones.

Millennium Bank, part of the leading financial private group in Portugal, Millennium bcp, started its activity on the Romanian market on October 11, 2007, by simultaneously opening 39 branches in Bucharest and in other eight cities of the country. The bank addresses both individuals and companies, through an extensive range of products.

Millennium bcp is a success story in European banking. Founded in 1985, Millennium bcp registered, at the end of June 2012, total assets of EUR 93 billion. Millennium is Portugal's leading private financial group and is included in key national and international stock market indices, in particular the Euronext PSI Financial Services, PSI-20, DJ Eurostoxx banks, Bebanks and Euronext 100, of the Lisbon, Paris, Brussels and Amsterdam Stock Exchanges.

Millennium bcp group has a network of more than 1,700 units and a total of 21,500 employees.

Millennium bcp provides a wide range of products and services, namely savings, investment, mortgage loans, consumer credit, commercial banking, leasing, factoring, insurance, investment banking, private banking and asset management, serving its customers on a segmented basis. Emphasis is given to the Internet Banking service, which has been distinguished in Europe for its quality and innovation.

Since its incorporation, Millennium bcp has been renowned for its dynamism, innovation, competitiveness, profitability and financial strength. It has made its mark as the top leader in several financial business areas on the domestic market and as reference in the distribution of financial products and services on an international level. Millennium bcp operates in Portugal, Poland, Greece, Romania, Switzerland, Mozambique, Angola, Macao, France and Luxembourg. All operations are carried out under the Millennium brand.

Millennium bcp's focus is on the creation of value in markets selected on the basis of a controlled risk profile and high growth potential, to sustain its internationally-recognized service excellence and innovation in financial products..

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