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Adaugat in data de 07-02-2013 |
Orange, Enel Muntenia and Enel Energie clients can pay their bills through Millennium Bank’s direct debit service
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Orange, Enel Muntenia and Enel Energie clients can now pay their bills through the direct debit service provided by Millennium Bank, without having to go to the providers’ or the bank’s offices. The bank extended the range of utilities providers whose bills can be paid through direct debit, by adding these three companies. Thus, the financial institution’s customers can now use direct debit for paying Orange, Vodafone, Romtelecom, Enel Muntenia and Enel Energie bills.
The direct debit service is free of charge and can be used by all retail and corporate clients who hold any kind of current account with Millennium Bank. Customers only need to fill in a mandate authorizing the bank to transfer the monthly bills’ value and to make sure the necessary amount is available in the account at the payment date.
In order to encourage utilities bills payment through fast and convenient means, Millennium Bank also developed special features for the Internet Banking service. Thus, the bank charges no fee for individuals Internet Banking payments in amount of up to 200 lei. In addition, all Millennium Bank’s customers can use a predefined form in the Internet Banking application to pay their Romtelecom bills, by only filling in the bill identification data and its amount.
Millennium Bank, part of the leading financial private group in Portugal, Millennium bcp, started its activity on the Romanian market on October 11, 2007, by simultaneously opening 39 branches in Bucharest and in other eight cities of the country. The bank addresses both individuals and companies, through an extensive range of products.
Millennium bcp is a success story in European banking. Founded in 1985, Millennium bcp registered, at the end of September 2012, total assets exceeding EUR 89 billion. Millennium is Portugal's leading private financial group and is included in key national and international stock market indices, in particular the Euronext PSI Financial Services, PSI-20, DJ Eurostoxx banks, Bebanks and Euronext 100, of the Lisbon, Paris, Brussels and Amsterdam Stock Exchanges.
Millennium bcp group has a network of more than 1,700 units and a total of approximately 21,500 employees.
Millennium bcp provides a wide range of products and services, namely savings, investment, mortgage loans, consumer credit, commercial banking, leasing, factoring, insurance, investment banking, private banking and asset management, serving its customers on a segmented basis. Emphasis is given to the Internet Banking service, which has been distinguished in Europe for its quality and innovation.
Since its incorporation, Millennium bcp has been renowned for its dynamism, innovation, competitiveness, profitability and financial strength. It has made its mark as the top leader in several financial business areas on the domestic market and as reference in the distribution of financial products and services on an international level. Millennium bcp operates in Portugal, Poland, Greece, Romania, Switzerland, Mozambique, Angola, Macao, France and Luxembourg. All operations are carried out under the Millennium brand.
Millennium bcp's focus is on the creation of value in markets selected on the basis of a controlled risk profile and high growth potential, to sustain its internationally-recognized service excellence and innovation in financial products..
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smashing top seo
UGhL86 Very neat blog post.Much thanks again. Much obliged.
"A verdade e9 que a poledcia, o Ministe9rio Pfablico e o juiz de Instrue7e3o que paaitciprram na intercepe7e3o, gravae7e3o e transcrie7e3o das escutas em que interveio o primeiro-ministro, agiram e continuam a agir na violae7e3o reiterada da Lei e contra os princedpios do Estado de Direito. Deixemo-nos de rodriguinhos jureddicos com que alguns juristas disfare7am a sua milite2ncia poledtica, citando a Lei: "Compete ao Presidente do Supremo Tribunal de Justie7a... autorizar a intercepe7e3o, a gravae7e3o e a transcrie7e3o de conversae7f5es ou comunicae7f5es em que intervenham o Presidente da Repfablica, o presidente da Assembleia da Repfablica ou o primeiro-ministro e determinar a respectiva destruie7e3o..." (artigo 11ba do Cf3digo de Processo Penal)"Qualquer cidade3o dotado de literacia mediana ne3o tere1 dfavidas quanto ao sentido da lei, te3o clara e9 a sua expresse3o: ne3o e9 apenas a colocae7e3o em escuta dos telefones dos titulares dos f3rge3os de soberania visados na lei que exige autorizae7e3o do presidente do STJ. Essa autorizae7e3o e9 exigida quanto e0 "intercepe7e3o, gravae7e3o e transcrie7e3o" de conversas em que "intervenham" o Presidente da Repfablica, o presidente da Assembleia da Repfablica e o primeiro-ministro. E ne3o se pense que sf3 estes titulares de f3rge3os de soberania este3o sujeitos a regras especiais. Este3o-no tambe9m os prf3prios magistrados.Resulta, portanto, da Lei, que logo que uma conversa em que intervenha o primeiro-ministro seja interceptada, ne3o pode a mesma ser mantida, sendo proibida a sua transcrie7e3o, sem autorizae7e3o do presidente do Supremo. Sendo tambe9m este magistrado o fanico competente para apreciar em definitivo se a conversa conte9m prova de crime impute1vel ao primeiro-ministro. Ora, as autoridades que dirigem o Inque9rito, usurpando a competeancia do presidente do Supremo, permitiram-se manter em seu poder escutas em que interveio o primeiro-ministro, durante ve1rios meses, continuando a grave1-las, sem o consentimento da autoridade competente. A lei e9 tambe9m clara ao considerar como crime a intercepe7e3o, gravae7e3o ou mera tomada de conhecimento do contefado de conversas teleff3nicas sem consentimento. (artba 194ba Nba 2 do Cf3digo Penal)."Tarde e a me1s horas, as escutas chegaram ao PGR e ao presidente do Supremo; ambos consideraram que ne3o existem indedcios de crime e o segundo considerou-as nulas e ordenou a sua destruie7e3o. Ao que diz a comunicae7e3o social, a ordem do presidente do Supremo continua por cumprir. Ne3o e9 isto a subverse3o do Estado de Direito? Poledcias, agentes do M.P. e um juiz que actuam contra a lei e ne3o cumprem uma decise3o do presidente do Supremo?"c9 claro que a pre1tica destas ilegalidades conduziu a outro crime que diariamente e9 praticado na mais absoluta impunidade: o crime de violae7e3o do segredo de justie7a. Os jornalistas cfamplices neste tipo de criminalidade je1 divulgaram alegados tf3picos das conversas criminosamente guardadas e ne3o tardare1 que aparee7am as suas transcrie7f5es, obviamente por motivos de ordem poledtica. O sistema de justie7a afunda-se neste lamae7al arrastando na enxurrada a je1 pouca credibilidade do regime.Isto foi possedvel em resultado da opacidade do sistema de justie7a. Todos nf3s conhecemos os actores poledticos, os seus percursos, as ideias que professam, os seus comportamentos poledticos; e, muito importante, exercem o poder com base no voto popular, que e9 a regra da democracia. Que sabemos nf3s dos detentores do poder judicie1rio? Por onde andaram, que ideias poledticas professam? E a pergunta fatal: qual a raiz do seu poder soberano? Com que legitimidade o exercem? Esta e9 a queste3o crucial com que, mais dia, menos dia, teremos de confrontar."Palavras escritas pelo DR. PROENc7A DE CARVALHO, prefaciador do Livro do 4R (do Die1rio Econf3mico de 21 de Novembro de 2009, edie7e3o online).
Yes Hari Big Brother, those SMARTISTS who initiated the "millennium bug" crsiis after ten year or so dominating the SECURITY development were now all taking early retirement and enjoying their LIVES.Those photoes in 7x6 were links that I created, when the originals were gone (I believe) so they were not there anymore. I would try to build in new linkage(s) when I got the time. Stay tunned.
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