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Adaugat in data de 16-02-2012

OTP Bank launches a new campaign for personal loans in RON, with a fixed interest for 7 years

OTP Bank launches a new campaign for personal loans in RON, with a fixed interest for 7 years OTP Bank Romania comes to meet its clients` needs with a special fixed interest, of only 15,79% - For a personal loan that values maximum 10.000 RON, with the contract period for 7 years, fix interest rate of 15.79% for the entire period, DAE is 16,98% and the monthly rate is 197,43 RON and the total amount paid is 16.683.82 RON - (DAE 16,98%) and with a fast approval term, of only 48 hours, for the personal loan in RON, without mortgage.

The loan offers the security of equal rates with a fixed interest and has no restrictions on its use. Thus, the clients can plan better their personal expenses without worrying about the exchange rate fluctuations.

OTP Bank recommends this type of loan for clients who receive their income in RON, providing them multiple advantages, such as:

equal monthly rates, fixed throughout the loan’s period, regardless the ROBOR variation;

fast approval, within 48 hours after submitting the complete documentation;

0% commission for opening and maintenance a current account, for the entire period of the loan;

0% monthly commission for the loan’s maintenance;

0% commission for changing the rates` due date without any charges for analysis the file;

an amount up to 42.000 RON;

a refund period between 6 months and 7 years;

wide range of accepted incomes.

The clients, who wish to take advantage of this loan, must be up to 65 years old until the loan’s due date.

„We have developed this special offer for our clients to be able to fulfill whatever they needs have, without worrying about the daily foreign exchange fluctuations. The main benefit of this product is that every client has a fix installment for the entire period of the loan, up to 7 years. The promotional offer has, besides its fast approval, in only 48 hours, a very competitive price, our DAE being one of the top offers on the market’’ said Gábor Ljubičić, Deputy General Manager Director - Retail, OTP Bank Romania.

For further information, those interested can contact OTP Bank’s representatives, every day, from Monday to Friday, between 8:30-17:30, at 0800.88.22.88 (free of charge call from Romtelecom) or *OTPBANK (*6872265) (normal fee call, from Vodafone or Orange)

OTP Bank Romania is a subsidiary of OTP Bank, which is the largest independent Central-Eastern-European banking group. OTP Bank provides universal financial services in Hungary, Romania, Montenegro, Croatia, Bulgaria, Russia, Ukraine, Slovakia and Serbia, for more than 12 million clients, through almost 1500 branch offices, the ATM network and electronic channels.

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8oKDqg Wow, great blog article.Much thanks again. Keep writing.
The easiest and best way to avoid the sprail downfall of debt is to not get into debt. If you have debt, the best thing you can do is to make your monthly payments, and that means to make them on time. If the bill they send you has a due date on it, which they all do, then make sure that you send the payment in time for it to be posted before the due date. A late payment is a late payment, and a late payment will affect your credit history, your ability to get employment and in the most extreme cases the ability to keep the job you already have. Credit cards can be a good way to build credit, but, only if you don't abuse them. It's vital that all payments be recieved on time(as explained above). In todays economy it's going to be hard to get a card with a decent intrest rate if you don't have golden credit. That's a beacon score of at least 720 minimum. That's not to say you can't get a card, you'll just pay a higher interest rate untill you prove to the debt holder that you are responsible with your credit. As far as how long it will take to build your credit to the point where a bank is going to be willing to give you $15,000.00 to buy a new car? That depends. It's most likely going to be a couple years. The banks are going to want to get a payment history they can monitor to see how you pay your monthly payments. Some of what they will be looking for in a payment history will be Do you pay the minimum payment each month or do you pay more then the minimum each month, and how much more over the minimum you pay? Have you made your payments on time? How close to the max credit amount on your card have you ever been and how often? Have you ever gone over the maximum credit limit on the card and how often? Either way you will need a down payment. Expect to have to put down at least10 to 20 percent of the total of the loan. If you don't have any credit you could also get a co-signer. This is probably the best way to start growing credit. A co-signer takes most of the risk on a loan because they are the primary loan holder and the co-signer also will have a proven credit history. If you have a co-signer and you default on the loan, the co-signer is held responsible for repayment of the loan till the loans has been satisfied.
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H6ncek Im thankful for the blog article.Much thanks again. Much obliged.
Privat contacted about three years ago! All was well! New Features, a lot of anadvced services (Privat24, Leekpai, etc.). Yes, were intsendenty HR. Not because of their competence. But in general it was all good!And now, this is not the bank! I look at our country all the way done, since everything is super(client to gain), and then start on the quality score! And it began ... do not give a deposit, viditeli money from them have not yet scrolled and they can not get them back. A kogda privel quote from the agreement, so through 15 mines the money was on account. Then because of the two-day delay in the loan I was told that I should pay double the amount of! I've certainly paid my usual payment! Began to scare the contract, by the way, from which I had on hand was a stub that (bought some some machines in the store on credit and gave a piece of paper). As a result, a week nazvanivali asked why I refuse to pay! Each explained! In the end, called sane people, promised to investigate. The next day a call apologizing, mol error in the program! Then, with a credit card, it was necessary to re-release! Denied citing the fact that I! потерял паспорт! Now I understand that they have them when you're bored, argue with them, rather than his head doing all that they say! They are not finding an excuse to refuse put in my database check утерян паспорт . All personal, so these ... geeks export these data to all Ukrainian base of credit histories! lost passportother bank, and on you infa you with someone else's passport! Telephoned the police department, those may also chego naputali, struck on the basis of a passport is all right! Called the credit bureau! Say, as we do with the Private Bank has come! Set as they re-request the Ministry of Interior, and uncheck, but said that during the next sync tezhe data again to get them! From the latter there must have been transferred me the money at stake (no exit, in the wilderness except that no bank nifiga!) so kasirsha put money on the card which is no longer active for about a year! Tell them to move the active card! They say it is not possible! Leaves obtuse kasirsham her money lozhit can and can not remove them! Koroche posted a statement on snyatie! now wait! already Day 5! That's it! enough that a week without pay! so also the interest! for withdrawal from the inactive card will be removed! And you want them back then write a complaint kasirshu! can be, when realties, if you want them back! If you do not say that please the court! Keenly aware that the 50UAH no court has not filed! On YouTube is a good video for a discussion of charms Privat Bank! Honestly, %80 of what it says personally faced. And support is a real Football , First you connect to the Specialist pereklyucheniyam (Well actually my first nirazu did not say anything except Minute, I will take you to a specialist in your question ). The following tells you the elementary truths, as if you're a moron, and do not understand. I too work in support and I know that there are someone and need to be answered! But when you write a specific question, not t does not vary more rabotaet , one can understand that a person understands what he is talking about! Next specialist round, and round goes limited it is all the information that I see ! Summer, wanted to take the fridge and kombain loans, for half a year. So imyayu good credit history according to the credit bureaus, besides imyayu deposit polkredita in the bank. And I refused))). Kapets, made worse))). On the west bank of your run so that you feed them for a term loan, but here you have them running in order to get into slavery! And this Credit ekspertsha eshte Tak chto tales maliciously refused opin, as if she knew the reason for refusal))). Well, I got up from her and bought a refrigerator for Cash))). And those percentages that would have given them, buy now kombain recently))). Today, here's learned that now rowing(namely rowing) at least 5 UAH for the completion of a foreign card, little, they were 1% before and 1% for the withdrawal they are even with the same card! I have a payroll card of another bank, in any bank without interest withdrawals. So I specifically only with this query shoot))) can some one let hanged himself in these percentages)))
Loan dneomcuts that the underwriters work from have to be complete. When they start the verification process they will do the current employer verification verbally. It is usually performed by fax on sole applicants when written verification is chosen. They will call your employer and ask if your gainfully employed at current time with their company. It appears your simply a co-signor co applicant on the loan so your fathers income history is most important. B of A isn't typically a table funding bank so upon all parties signing at escrow the docs will be expressed to the bank for final review and funded upon such. Signing by the buyers is not closing unless it is an all cash deal or the lender table funds. Closing is when the funds are available to the seller. A simple correction or address update is not a big thing unless it looks like purposeful fraud on the original application. I dont see anywhere in your question that you are seeking a loan so I have to wonder myself why all the idiots answering your question are trying to solicit business in their answers. Best of luck to you and congrats on your new home. -4Was this answer helpful?
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