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Adaugat in data de 28-02-2014 |
Workshop-uri cu BBDO Russia si #ogilvychange la Promotions Now 2014
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Marina Clement (Behavioural Director, #ogilvychange) si Natalia Chuich (Strategic Planning Director, BBDO Russia) intregesc lista trainerilor si speakerilor de la Promotions Now 2014 (6 si 7 martie, UniCredit Tower). Cu o viziune globala asupra promotiilor si concursurilor, ele vor oferi celor 150 de participanti la eveniment inspiratie pentru campanii promotionale de succes prin prezentarile si workshop-urile sustinute.
Natalia Chiuch este Strategic Planning Director la BBDO Russia, acoperind conturile globale Mars, VISA si Intouch Insurance, dar si conturile locale MTS si Sberbank. Lucrand cu branduri foarte mari, Natalia vede promotiile ca o parte integrata a unei campanii de amploare, ca un equity builder si nu doar ca o posibilitate de crestere a vanzarilor. Din rolul de brand keeper, Natalia se asigura ca promotia e integrata in directia strategica a brandului, aceasta fiind si tema abordata de ea in cadrul conferintei, pe 6 martie.
Despre promo building engagement va discuta si in cadrul workshop-ului, pornind de la case study-ul VISA “Scroll to Sochi”, campanie care a avut la baza un concurs cu premiu constand intr-o excursie la Jocurile Olimpice de la Sochi. Natalia va analiza felurile in care organizarea unui astfel de eveniment poate schimba perceptia consumatorului si cum pot brandurile sa capitalizeze astfel de oportunitati.
Marina Clement este Behavioural Director la #ogilvychange, agentie care combina research-ul in psihologia cognitiva si behavioural economics cu expertiza in comunicare a Ogilvy Group. Alaturi de echipa #ogilvychange, Marina lucreaza pe unele dintre cele mai mari branduri din lume (British Airways, IBM, Kimberly-Clarck) pentru a schimba mentalitatea si comportamentul consumatorilor. Marina este responsabila si pentru cresterea semnificativa a abonamentelor la The Times, aplicand multe din tehnicile de behavioural economics (pretul psihologic, aglomerarea de optiuni, superioritatea partinitoare).
Despre behavioural merchandising vom discuta pe 7 martie, in cadrul segmentului de conferinta al Promotions Now, unde Marina va oferi idei pentru schimbarea comportamentului cumparatorilor in retail.
Reprezentantul #ogilvychance va sustine si un workshop pentru aplicarea behavioural economics in retail. Astfel, cei 15 participanti la workshop vor invata, lucrand live pe un brief, sa foloseasca un framework de aplicare a behavioural science pe brandul lor.
Cele doua workshop-uri se adauga celui sustinut in-store de Adina Andrei (Carrefour Romania) si Dan Burlacu (Ascendis). In cadrul unei vizite in Carrefour Feeria, cei doi traineri, alaturi de cei 20 de participanti, vor gasi o serie de criterii pe baza carora eficienta unei campanii poate fi urmarita, dincolo de cifrele cele mai vizibile.
Lista speakerilor este completata de nume precum: Daniel Enescu (Daedalus Millward Brown), Catalin Ciurezu (Mediapost Hit Mail), Adrian Alexandrescu (Interactions), Stefan Chiritescu (Graffiti BBDO), Nir Refuah (MRM Worldwide Romania), Corin Chiriac (Geometry Global), Lucia Ciuca (eMAG), Camelia Dau (Kinder), Mihai Gongu (GMP Advertising), Laura Nedelschi (TBWA) si Catalin Dobre (McCann Bucuresti).
Promotions Now 2014 este un eveniment parte din seria SMARK KnowHow, powered by Edenred, infrumusetat de Bioderma, iar solutions provider este AdProduction. .
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As always, great story with ecnellext marketing and branding points made in the narration. However (and here I reveal myself to be the true p*ssy that I am in that I know damn well you don't have a typewriter and that in any event, you could not throw one through cyberspace), in my opinion a strong and true brand resides in, and is nourished by the consumer. They almost always call the shots. Brand managers can come up with a strategy, but if they don't base it on consumer perceptions and insights, it will probably fail. They can come up with a strategy not based on insights, but if they bother to test it (in market or otherwise) with their target audience it will fail. I have always been fascinated by Hunt vs Heinz. They both have at their core the lowly tomato, but no matter how hard that Hunt's tomato tries to jump over to the ketchup side the consumers never really let it. Heinz, on the other hand, finds their tomato barred from spaghetti sauce and tomato paste. I once worked with a brilliant strategic planner in London's JWT office who referred to brandicide . An example of this is when a product manager on After Eight mints submitted an idea for After Eight Gum . I do not know where that brand manager is today and what he or she are doing for a living the conceit that a brand exists in the hands of an agency guy or gal is what makes clients think of agency people as jackasses who speak a little marketing gibberish. And any client who thinks the brand exists in their hands (as opposed to their being the stewards of a given brand) usually has a string of failures. The best they can do is manage it well, nourish it, and make sure that the products or services under that brand umbrella live up to the promise made to the consumer. (Just ask Kimberly Clark what happened to the iconic tp brand Andrex in the UK when they cut the quality of the materials they were using to cut costs )
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